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Desenvolvimento local em espaço rural e novas competências

Front cover
MARQUES, Raúl Jorge
15 €

Unavaliable publication


To try to understand «what the availability and the contribution of citizens to the local development of rural space», we have to start off with a reflection about the rural world (different geographic concerns; the nature of the crisis and the strategy of change; criterions of outlining rural space) to show two examples of development and participation, namely, in Belgium (Wallonne region) and in Portugal (concelho de Santa Comba Dão, região Centro, sub-região Dão-Lafões).

Because we defend a legal circle of national and local scope that will enable any long lasting transformation, we try to detect inherent objectives that are linked to a group of instruments that appear as agents of change (Piano de Desenvolvimento Regional, Programa das Iniciativas de Desenvolvimento Local, Programa Operacional de Promoção do Potencial de Desenvolvimento Regional, Iniciativa Comuntátaria «LEADER», Plano de Acção Local LEADER/ADICES and Plano Director Municipal do Concelho de Santa Comba Dão).

When we consider the citizens, individually or as a group, as one of the pillars of a shared responsibility and of the sustainable development of the rural space, we equally evaluate the present contribute and availability existing in concelho de Santa Comba Dão, we suggest for this effect a way of participation (sociopolitical, cultural/leisure and cultura/political) resulting in an inter-relationship of different indicators in which associativism and information are of greatest importance.

On the contrary to what happens in Portugal, we think that we have shown the inhabitants of Santa Comba Dão (who aren’t an exception) show a significant desire to participate in different activities and/or iniciatives. Nevertheless, it is necessary that the agents of development (local authorities, local or regional press and associations), make or accept new communication strategies and motivation which allow not only to widen the involvement which already exists, but also to create a local dynamics where participation is the key word.

Main concepts: shared responsibility, citizenship put in practice, types of participation, supported development of the rural area.

Last update on 01/10/2012