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Reinventando Culturas: Contribuições da Comunidade Cabo-Verdiana para a Dinâmica Cultural de Lisboa

Front cover
ESTEVES, Alina; CALDEIRA, Maria José

Apontamentos de Geografia (PDF formato pdf, 1 211 KB)

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  • Publications by the same authors

Publications by the same authors (2)

28TH International Congress of the international Geographical Union: Papers presented by researchers of the Center of Geographical Studies - Human Geography Research Unit
FONSECA, Maria Lucinda; COSTA, Eduarda Marques da; BRITO-HENRIQUES, Eduardo; HORTAS, Maria João; ESTEVES, Alina;
Price: 7,50 € Pages: 116 Year: 2000

Immigrants in Lisbon: routes of integration
CALDEIRA, Maria José; ESTEVES, Alina; FONSECA, José Caldeira; MALHEIROS, Jorge
Price: 10,00 € Pages: 111 Year: 2002

Last update on 14/01/2022